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| # Hexo Configuration ## Docs: http://hexo.io/docs/configuration.html ## Source: https://github.com/hexojs/hexo/ # Site 这里的配置,哪项配置反映在哪里,可以参考我的博客 title: #站点名,站点左上角 subtitle: #副标题,站点左上角 description: #给搜索引擎看的,对站点的描述,可以自定义 author: #默认在站点左下角可以看到 email: #邮箱 language: zh-CN #语言包设置。 # URL #访问地址等信息设置,可根据需要自己修改。 ## If your site is put in a subdirectory, set url as 'http://yoursite.com/child' and root as '/child/' url: #访问域名 root: / permalink: :year/:month/:day/:title/ #具体内容页的存储路径结构 tag_dir: tags #标签目录名 archive_dir: archives #归档目录名 category_dir: categories #分类目录名 # Directory #默认文章和生成目录设置 source_dir: source public_dir: public # Writing 文章布局、写作格式的定义 new_post_name: :title.md # File name of new posts default_layout: post auto_spacing: false # Add spaces between asian characters and western characters titlecase: false # Transform title into titlecase max_open_file: 100 filename_case: 0 highlight: enable: true backtick_code_block: true line_number: true tab_replace: # Category & Tag 分类和标签设置 default_category: uncategorized category_map: tag_map: # Archives 默认值为2,如果这里都修改为1,相应页面就只会列出标题,而非全文 ## 2: Enable pagination ## 1: Disable pagination ## 0: Fully Disable archive: 1 category: 1 tag: 1 # Server 本地预览服务信息,默认端口是4000,有需要的话可以自己修改 ## Hexo uses Connect as a server ## You can customize the logger format as defined in ## http://www.senchalabs.org/connect/logger.html port: 4000 logger: false logger_format: # Date / Time format 日期格式 ## Hexo uses Moment.js to parse and display date ## You can customize the date format as defined in ## http://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/ date_format: MMM D YYYY time_format: H:mm:ss # Pagination 每页显示文章数,可以自定义 ## Set per_page to 0 to disable pagination per_page: 5 pagination_dir: page # Disqus Disqus 插件,我们会替换成“多说” disqus_shortname: # Extensions 这里配置站点所用主题和插件 ## Plugins: https://github.com/hexojs/hexo/wiki/Plugins ## Themes: https://github.com/hexojs/hexo/wiki/Themes theme: light exclude_generator: # Deployment 站点部署到github要配置 ## Docs: http://hexo.io/docs/deployment.html deploy: type: github repository: branch: master